The teaching of PSHE (Personal, Social, Health and Economic education) at Dormers Wells focuses on creating an inclusive, unbiased and safe environment for pupils to learn how to become good role models and citizens in the wider community. Pupils have the opportunity to develop on skills which help them to grow, to become confident, resilient and respectful young people. Pupils are taught how to keep themselves and those around them safe as well as form healthy relationships within their community and the wider world.
Teaching and Learning
PSHE is focused around three key elements of learning in each year group: Mental Health and Wellbeing, Living in the Wider World and Healthy Relationships. PSHE is taught weekly at Dormers and work is either recorded in books or put up on display. At Dormers we strive to ensure that PSHE has cross-curricular links to other core and foundation subjects; this is evident in Guided Reading, English, Religious Education, Physical Education and Science lessons.
Our teaching of PSHE is further enriched through weekly assemblies on mindfulness; working alongside theatre companies such as Wizard Theatre and charities (NSPCC) to disseminate informative and interactive workshops for pupils. Parent workshops are hosted on online safety and Relationships and Sex Education. Providing our parents further insight into the curriculum and how they can support their children. At Dormers there are many opportunities for pupils to learn and demonstrate how to keep themselves safe, through online safety workshops and the PANTS rule from NSPCC which is displayed in every classroom.
In Nursery and Reception pupils are taught and guided on playing cooperatively with their peers, sharing, taking turns and displaying empathy towards others. Daily discussions with pupils build on their oracy skills and confidence to speak in groups. Pupils are taught about emotions and feelings and how behavior is exhibited differently dependent on how a person feels. They are introduced to the school rules, ethos and the importance of keeping safe. Pupils are taught how to keep themselves healthy with a focus on healthy foods and dental hygiene.
In KS1 pupils learn about keeping healthy, through what they eat, exercise and dental hygiene. When learning about the wider world pupils reflect on what makes them special and who keeps them safe. Pupils are taught about online safety. Pupils explore choices on voting and democracy through the choices they make. Throughout the year, pupils focus on building healthy relationships and what qualities are important in a friendship. Pupils have many opportunities to reflect on what makes them proud and why it is important to take care of themselves.
In Years 3 and 4, pupils learn about keeping healthy through a healthy balanced diet and regular exercise, studying the effect of a healthy lifestyle on their bodies. Pupils learn about charity and the differing needs of others around the world. Pupils learn at an age-appropriate level on how to keep safe on the internet and when out in the wider world. In the lower key stage, there is a more detailed focus on healthy relationships, discussions on how to be a good friend and resolve conflicts. Pupils are made aware of how to safeguard themselves by understanding and identifying adults they confide when worried or afraid.
In Years 5 and 6, pupils have acquired skills throughout their primary journey and continue to develop on these skills; keeping healthy minds and bodies, understanding similarities and differences between themselves and how to keep safe in the wider community and online. Pupils are given opportunities to share concerns they have and where to go for support. Pupils consider challenging stereotypes in order to prepare for the wider community and world by expanding on their understanding of occupations, salaries and the value of economics. Pupils continue to develop on their understanding of good, healthy relationships and how to maintain relationships. Pupils move on to explore the impact of puberty and effect on relationships. The importance of physical hygiene is often discussed as well as the physical and emotional impact of changes that occur during puberty. With the support of theatre companies, The Wizard Theatre, pupils take part in a Choices Workshop on making the right choice when it comes to drugs and alcohol, further preparing our pupils for life as young, responsible citizens.
Dormers Wells Primary School is a Right Respecting School we follow the UN Conventions Rights for children where we teach children about rights, through rights and for rights. We believe children who have understanding of their rights also understand how others and how they should be treated. Also, we aim to create a safe environment and atmosphere for our children. Rights Respecting gives children a voice to express themselves and challenge any injustices. They feel empowered to access information and make informed decisions about their learning, health and wellbeing. As a school, we want to equip our children to advocate for rights where they can promote equality, fairness and safety.
Article 3 – The best interests of the child must be a top priority in all decisions and actions that affect children.
Article 12 – Every child has the right to express their views, feelings and wishes in all matters affecting them, and to have their views considered and taken seriously.