curriculum intent implementation

Whole School Curriculum Intent

At Dormers Wells Nursery, Infant and Junior School, our aim and vision for our curriculum design is to provide a subject specific curriculum that is enriched, diverse, broad, balanced and relevant to our learners. Learning is sequential, with a clear order which allows children to build on their skills and knowledge over time.   We endeavour to ensure learning is engaging and stimulating; inspiring a love of learning which sparks curiosity, independence and critical thinking. Children are encouraged to respect, nurture and celebrate their unique attributes while developing their wellbeing and a positive self-image.


Curriculum Implementation

To support our curriculum vision, the Year Lead and team of teachers have carefully put together a curriculum that is tailored to the specific age range and skill level of the children.   Curriculum overviews, which are developed by Subject Leads, map out how subjects are taught from EYFS through to Year 6 – ensuring that there is progression between year groups and key stages and that knowledge and skills are taught sequentially. 

Specialist teachers deliver Music, MFL and P.E ensuring that the breadth of the curriculum is taught to a high standard.  Educational visits, local field trips, visiting speakers and a wide range of extracurricular after school clubs contribute to the implementation of an enriched and engaging curriculum.  Our curriculum has been informed by the latest research by educational advisors such as Mary Myatt and Chris Quigley on making knowledge ‘stick’ and Karen Brooke (OSHUN Education) on ensuring our curriculum is relevant and reflective of our community and prepares our learners for the wider world.

Children are provided with a stimulating learning environment that sparks curiosity and embraces creativity.  We strive to promote an ethos where all children are encouraged and supported and challenge is fully embraced.   Quality first teaching, delivered and supported by our dedicated and motivated staff, enables all pupils to access our curriculum and to become independent, resilient learners.

Our curriculum intent and implementation supports us in our endeavour to create and sustain highly engaged, intellectually curious, independent and happy lifelong learners.