A great scientist has the knowledge, creativity and language needed to make real-life connections between their studies and the world around them. Science is exciting for us all and at Dormers Wells Infant and Junior School, we believe that all students are on the way to becoming great scientists. We aim to teach our children the skills, knowledge and understanding they need to become great scientists, questioning, understanding and investigating concepts and natural phenomena, motivating them to seek explanations. As our young scientists learn the essential skills required for scientific enquiry, they will begin to appreciate the way science will affect their future on a personal, national and global level.
We aspire for our young scientists to be independent in their critical thinking and problem-solve effectively. We challenge and drive our students forward by providing them with the language of enquiry and exploration, so they can discover new concepts and think, speak and behave like great scientists, and share their passion.
By inspiring our young scientists and equipping them with the skills needed to understand the physical and natural world around them, we allow them to flourish in becoming confident, creative and ambitious young adults who can apply this range of crucial skills in the future.
In Early Years and Foundation Stage, we deliver a curriculum to our pupils through play, enquiry and experience to explore the world around them. We develop pupil’s curiosity so they understand features of their environment and how it may change from one place to another. These skills develop a strong foundation to build on in Key Stage One.
Pupils are introduced to working scientifically skills where they learn to observe and record, investigate and explain, classify and conclude. Pupils complete a programme of study from the National Curriculum which include topics such as: Plants, Everyday Materials, Animals Including Humans and Living Things and their Habitats where they learn concepts and knowledge which underpin their understanding in Key Stage Two.
Lower KS2
Pupils build on their knowledge and understanding from Key Stage One, where they are able to deepen their understanding and subject knowledge on areas such as Living Things and their Habitats and Animals Including Humans. Pupils are also introduced to new topics such as Electricity, where they are able to learn scientific facts and symbols, which is built on in upper key stage two. Pupils develop their scientific skills by planning, carrying out and concluding investigations which are more independent, where pupils are able to investigate big questions and be analytical in their findings.
Upper KS2
Pupils are able to expand on previous topics such as Electricity, Animals Including Humans and Living Things and Their Habitats as well as learn about new topics such as Evolution. Pupils are encouraged to think and act like a Scientist and build on their investigative skills where they can predict, plan, carry out, conclude and evaluate their own line of enquiry and questions with precision and accuracy as well as evidence which supports their conclusion. Our pupils develop skills to make them confident, creative and analytical, which equips them for the world around them in their later lives.
Dormers Wells Primary School is a Right Respecting School we follow the UN Conventions Rights for children where we teach children about rights, through rights and for rights. We believe children who have understanding of their rights also understand how others and how they should be treated. Also, we aim to create a safe environment and atmosphere for our children.
Article 24 – Every child has the right to the best possible health. Children have the right to get education on health and well-being so that they can stay healthy.
Article 27 – Every child has the right to a standard of living that is good enough to meet their physical and social needs and support their development