Year 2


Year 2 is a place where we always ensure a welcoming, safe and happy environment. A place where our pupils are all encouraged to Believe, Aspire and Flourish and take pride in themselves and their achievements. We are proud to support and nurture our pupils to become confident and successful learners. 

Teachers’ support pupils with their spiritual, moral, social and cultural development whilst providing a richmemorable and exciting curriculum which is designed to develop and challenge independent learning. 

Although we are no longer required to sit the formal Key Stage 1 (KS1) end of year attainment tests known as SATS, we are still working very hard to achieve the best possible outcomes for our pupils at the end of their KS1 journey.

While you do need to be mindful of the end goal for this year, it is also important to see it for the wonderful year that it is. 

Drop off is from 8.40am and pick up is 3.15pm

Curriculum Overview

Click here to view our Year 2 Curriculum

Home Learning

PE Days

Useful links

Children in year 2 are expected to read for 15 minutes every night and record their reading in their reading records. Pupils are expected to make inferences and raise questions about the texts they are currently reading using the Reading Bears.  

Spelling/Phonics 1x a week (given out on Friday and tested the following Friday.) This is done through EdShed online. 

In English, pupils will continue to work on the phonics they have learned in Year 1. They will aim to read common words by sight (particularly Common Exemption words), whilst still sounding out unfamiliar words as well as writing written answers to comprehension questions. They will learn further spelling patterns and rules and begin to apply those in their writing. The Year 2 common exception words which pupils learn throughout the year can be  located here.

Maths: My Maths TT Rockstars & Education City–set on Friday to be completed by Thursday.

Cross curricular projects/models: Half termly- set for pupils to complete and return after half term breaks. These will link to a range of topics and subjects.

Children are expected to come to school dressed in their PE Kit on school days. It is recommended that your child has sturdy, soled black trainers to avoid injury when making use of the outdoor learning space. 

2D Latimer Miss Forrester – Tuesday and Friday

2W Curie Ms Ahmad – Tuesday and Thursday
