Year 3


Welcome to Year Three.

Farah Class Teacher: Mrs Tatla (Lower KS2 Phase Leader)

Tendulkar Class Teacher: Mr Romain/Mr Moseley

Timings for school day:

Drop off is from 8.40am and pick up time is 3:15pm. Please ensure you drop and collect your child on time.

Break time: 10:45am – 11:00am

Lunch time: 12:15pm – 1:15pm

Curriculum Overview

Click here to view our Year 3 Curriculum

Home Learning

PE Days

Useful links

Homework tasks are set on a weekly basis with an expectation that the work is completed by the next week. Important login details and passwords have already been stuck into your child’s reading record.

Maths and English homework is set on Friday and due to be completed by Tuesday. We will monitor Times Table Rockstars weekly.

Weekly Spellings are sent home and posted on Dojo. Please ensure your child practises these daily as spelling tests will be on a Friday. This could be earlier if there are changes to our timetable that week (school trips, themed events etcetera).

Children are expected to read for 20 minutes minimum every night (preferably with an adult) and record their books in their Reading Records. There is a table where children are expected to make inferences and raise questions about the texts they are currently reading. Please encourage your child to write in their reading records as it will help their class teacher to see how they are doing at home.

Children are expected to come to school dressed in their PE Kit on school days. It is recommended that your child has sturdy, soled black trainers to avoid injury when making use of the outdoor learning space.

Farah PE days will be every Tuesday and Thursday.

Tendulkar PE days will be every Monday and Wednesday.
