Year 6


Year 6 is a place where every child feels important, succeeds and aspires to something greater. We create an environment where children believe in themselves, set aspirations and strive to flourish across all aspects of daily school life. Teachers support children with their spiritual, moral, social and cultural development while, providing a well-rounded curriculum. Our maths, reading and writing curriculum is designed to ensure that all pupils irrespective of background or barriers to learning meet their end of KS2 goals.
Drop off is from 8.40am and pick up is 3.35pm
Please ensure if you are allowing your child to walk home alone that you have signed the ‘Home Alone’ form.

Curriculum Overview

Click here to view our Year 6 Curriculum

Home Learning

PE Days

Useful links

During ‘Lockdown’ homework was sent in via Microsoft teams, on occasions this might still be required. Other platforms are also used. In general homework will be set on the following days:

Maths homework is set on a Thursday on My Maths / Education City and should be completed each week by Tuesday.

Weekly spellings are set every Friday and are tested every Friday Via Spelling shed.

English homework is set on a Thursday  via Education City / Microsoft teams and should be completed by Tuesday.

Reading children in year 6 are expected to read for 20 minutes every night and record their reading in their reading journals.

Pupils should come to school in their PE kits on their allocated PE days.

Miss Hussey ( 6S   Turing) Monday and Wednesday

Mr Klaasen  ( 6D  Hawkings) Monday and Friday

Miss Kaur  ( 6W Johnson ) Tuesday and Friday
